Visiting Tuscany with Tuscan Secret Experience | Tuscan Secret Experience

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Visiting Tuscany with Tuscan Secret Experience

Getting Around Tuscany Hills

It’s joy to downshift to the more peaceful pace of Italy’s small cities and even smaller hill towns like. Siena, Pisa, and Lucca are in a category of their own, with more artistic and historic sights. Siena is the hill town, with an unrivaled spirit any visitors can enjoy. Like a medieval stage set and is sourondend by its fortified wall. Siena’s  stunning main square- the gently tilted red -brick Campo-is the city’s proud centerpiece.

Planning your time at Siena

Situated at top three hills. Its thriving historic center, with red brick lanes cascading every which way, offer’s Italy’s best medieval city experience. Siena has an easy to enjoy soul: Courtyards sport flower decked wells, alleys dead- end at rooftop views, and  the sky is a rich blue dome. Pedietrans rule in the old center of the town, as the only drivers allowed are residents and cabbies. Sit at caffè on the main square. Wander narrow street lined with a colorful flags and studded with iron rings with the tether horses. Take your time to savor the first European city to eliminate automobile traffic from its main square and then, just to be silly. Siena lounges a top a hill, stretching its three legs out from il Campo. Siena itself is one big sight. its individual attractions, come in two little clusters: the square (Civic Museum and City Tower) and the cathedral ( Bapytisery and Duomo Museums, with its surprise overview.


Enjoying your stay in Siena with the best experience with Tuscan Secret Experiece.


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